Review and recommendation of Molekule, the world’s first molecular air purifier.

Meet Molekule, the world’s first molecular air purifier.

 After 20 years of research and development, a groundbreaking approach to clean air has arrived. Molekule breaks down harmful microscopic pollutants
like allergens, mold, bacteria, viruses and even airborne chemicals.

 Molekule Air Purifier
 Molekule Destroys Pollutants

Destroys, Doesn’t Collect
Fully eradicates pollutants instead of simply trapping them, so that nothing stays alive on the filter.

 Molekule Destroys Pollutants

Any Size
Destroys pollutants regardless how small, incl. those 1000x times smaller than what HEPA can collect

 Molekule Destroys Pollutants

Full Spectrum
Only product that eliminates the full range of indoor pollutants, including VOCs and viruses

It's time to come clean about the air you breathe.
Indoor air is 5 times more polluted than outdoor air.

90% percent of your life is spent indoors.

 The EPA states indoor air is up to 5x more polluted than outdoor air. Pollutants are trapped inside where they concentrate and multiply to harmful levels. Studies have shown that indoor pollution contributes to a wide variety of health issues for everyone, not just asthma and allergy sufferers.
What’s in your air?
04While everyone is aware of dust, pollen, and pet dander, the pollutants that can cause us the most harm are microscopic like mold, viruses, bacteria, and gaseous chemicals.
The Pollutants
noun [ al-er-jen ]
A type of antigen that produces an abnormal immune response. Bioaerosols—originating from dust mites, animals, and cockroaches—have been strongly linked to allergic rhinitis and asthma.

Airborne Chemicals (VOCs)
noun [ air-bohrn kem-i-kuh-l s]
VOCs are gases emitted from household products like cleaning agents, paints, plastics, and synthetic fibers. Some VOCs are carcinogens, and exposure can cause asthmatic symptoms and decreased cognitive function.

noun [ mohld ]
A type of fungus that is ubiquitous and grows when conditions are favorable. Mold can survive in very harsh conditions and can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems.

noun [ vahy-ruh s ]
A type of pathogen that replicates inside living cells of other organisms. Viruses are the primary cause of airborne infectious diseases like influenza (including swine and bird flu), SARS, and rhinovirus (common cold).

noun [ bak-teer-ee-uh ]
Opportunistic organisms that can form symbiotic or pathogenic relationships with humans. Airborne bacteria can cause respiratory infections like pneumonia, strep throat (streptococcus), and Legionnaire’s disease.

Molekule doesn’t capture pollutants, it eliminates them.
Independent lab studies have shown 3.9 million E.Coli completely eliminated in a single pass through a Molekule system.


E.Coli bacterium in the air (partial molecular structure shown).



An oxidized E.Coli bacterium broken down into harmless molecules.

The science of clean air.
06Molekule breaks down pollutants at the molecular level. This is done by creating a catalytic reaction that happens when our nanoparticle-coated filter is activated by light. Pollutants are completely destroyed, making the air safe for us to breathe.


An oxidized E.Coli bacterium broken down into harmless molecules (carbon dioxide, water, and nitrogen).

Search Amazon for Molekule and comparison models


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